Conversion Corner Draw #1

Hi All,

We're approaching the end of the month, so I thought I should post a reminder to get your entries in for this month's installment of Conversion Corner.

Remember all you need to do to be in the running for this is to simply complete the following task.
  • Make a conversion that is associated to Necromunda, INQ28, Shadow Wars:Armageddon
As mentioned previously, it could be a simple Necromunda Ganger(s), Shadow Wars: Armageddon team member,  INQ28 miniature, a piece of Terrain and/or any hobby/artwork related to either of these systems.

A few rules criteria:
  1. To be in the mix, I'll need at least 10 entries.
  2. Entries need to be submitted between 12:00am PST 25th January and 12:00am PST 25th February, 2018. Just post them on the G+ Warhammer 40k Community.
  3. The miniature/conversion needs to be complete, but not necessarily painted. If they're unpainted it gives us a chance to see what parts have been converted. If you have time to paint it up, that's really cool, too.
  4. The conversion has to be recent. So add a parts list of the models you cannibalized for the conversion.
  5. Whomever wins, I will need to grab an address so I can post the prize. 

 And for a little inspiration, the following are a few examples:


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