Horus Heresy Characters - Master of Mankind - The God Emperor of Mankind #1

So I am working on a Narrative campaign, where Malcador takes a group of Custodes and Sisters of Silence through the Webway on Earth looking for the Emperor. As part of this, I had to make a representation of the Emperor. This is the progress, thus far. I am trying to base him off this popular depiction. So when I started out on this kit-bash, I took a moment to contemplate the size of God Emperor. Ofter he is reported to appear as all things to all men. Different, yet similar, whatever he wanted you to think he looked like. However there is one thing that is never really made clear, his height. Given he is pre-post human hyper man , nor Primarch, I am g u essing he would have been tall for a human , but not quite Primarch , in stature. Given this I started with the following: Head: Blood Angels with a laurel Legs: Custodes Torso: Custodes Right Arm: Lord Celestant Left Arm: Prospero MkIII Armor Power Fist Scrolls and leather pteruges: Lord Celestant C...