
Showing posts from January, 2019

2018 - In Review - Part #2 - Projects started, Miniatures Completed

- 2018 - In Review - Part #2 - Projects Started, Miniatures Completed. So continuing on from the previous post, the second half of 2018 was also fairly productive. July July started with the completion of the second of my Adeptus Custodes Captains. And I completed another hero from Stuffed Fables - Stitch.              And some more Villians from Stuffed Fables. I finally got around to finishing off the shoulder pauldrons on my Chaos Renegade Knight Titan. And with that, he was finished after 24+ months of languishing on a shelf.   Interestingly, this month had a bit of a competition to post your very first and most recent miniature, to show progress.  Pick which one is the most recent? More Necromunda Gangers starting with Splitter Korg. Goliath Ganger Grendel. Goliath Ganger Drago. And finally, Goliath Ganger Drakk. And I finished off Amon of the Th...