Horus Heresy 30k Thousand Sons Tartaros #1

I have finally started work on my Thousand Sons Tartaros Terminators. New color recipe and a hybrid kit-bash of the BoP Tartaros and Scarab Occult Terminators. 

There are another two, they just didn't quite fit into the photo. 

So what is my recipe, this time around?
  • Primer - Stynylres Black
  • Base - VGC Heavy Red
  • Mid-tone - VGC Bloody Red
  • Highlight - VGC Orange Red
  • Pin-wash Shade - Carroburg Crimson
Now, I like the signature look of the gloss 'cherry' effect. So to achieve this, I will go back over the miniatures and dust them with Badger Ghost Tint Fresh Blood Red.

Fingers crossed the Ghost Tint works, if it doesn't it will be a real shame because the color scheme effect, thus far, looks awesome.


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