Have you ever had a situation, when you didn't have a base on hand, and you couldn't remember the dimension, or you were making a multi base slot and couldn't work out which base you could fit on the base ? Well most of you, in this hobby, may have hit this on the most rarest of occasions. Like I did recently. After a few minutes of searching for what base was what size, I decided to make a little visio mock-up to work out what bases would fit inside existing larger bases, so I could make a cinematic base for three models that would make up my Logan Grimnar conversion. Here is what I came up with, so I wouldn't have to go hunting again, in to the future. So you may be asking, "what do I need this for? " As you know I am working on Grimnar and "Stormrider", where I want to model the mounted Grimnar with his two Thunderwolf buddies. The kicker is I want to be able to separate out any/either model from the base, if and when they die. B...
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